Monday, May 10, 2010

The Journey to Our Destination, Almost There!

Our destination, game presentations, is within sight. This begins our final week and teams are working hard to get as much done as they can. Each will be sitting down with me to review and see exactly where they are, how their presentations are coming along, and what final problems or challenges they need help with.
It is truly amazing to me that we are near the end when it seems we've only just begun. It's been a great class and I have thoroughly enjoyed watching as everyone progressed from not knowing a blog from a wiki to creating games and documenting and sharing their trials and tribulations through their now familiar blogs and wikis.
Congratulations to all and let the game demos begin (on Friday)!

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Tackett, this is Ryan Thoburn, I commented on individual blogs because I could not find the talk tabs you referred to but everything is finished that was on the checklist.
