Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Share your stories!

Without a class this semester I find myself looking for topics for this blog. But then yesterday something came to me that I would like to share. As we all know the Globaloria program is an incredible opportunity for our students and a remarkable chance for us as educators to be on the cutting edge of 21st century educational development. So, you and your students know how great Globaloria is. All of us involved in the program know. But who else does? Certainly administrators and others that receive the quarterly newsletter and Dr. Capperton's news releases. But what about the parents of your students,  or the local community?
What I am getting at is that each of us should be sharing our programs within our communities. How, you ask? Why not contact your local newspaper and let them know about your programs, or write your own news release, add some images, and submit it yourself to the paper. Are there any radio or television programs that highlight community events? Contact the stations, ask around and find where you can get some air time. Volunteer to give a presentation to a local civic group like Rotary or Lions Club.
Let the big, wide world outside of your classroom know that you exist. Share those amazing stories about your students and the program. Go forth and publicize!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

New Beginnings!

Hard to believe that the fall semester is getting underway. Seems like yesterday is was May and we were doing game demo presentations. Ah well, time marches on.
We will not be having a game design class at WVNCC this fall, but rather will be doing one in the spring semester. I will certainly miss the Globaloria classroom for the next few months, but I will have the pleasure of working with three local (relatively speaking of course) schools and their classes: Weir High School, Cameron High School, and the Middle College on the Wheeling campus of West Virginia Northern Community College. All are off to a great start! You can check them out at the links above.
To everyone - best wishes for a great and productive semester!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Calculus, who needs it?

Here is a mathematician with a different concept on how we should teach math.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Memories are made of this . . . Beatlemania!

An interesting question was posed as our first blogging assignment of this Globaloria academy - who is my favorite Beatle? This one certainly brings back some memories. I can still, perhaps somewhat vaguely, remember sitting with my parents and sister in front of our small black & white TV on that Sunday night in Feb 1964 (I was of course just a little tyke) when the Beatles made their U.S. debut on the Ed Sullivan show:

What's the significance of the Beatles? In 1994 Dan Rather of CBS did a news story on the 30th anniversary of that first appearance:

Let me leave you with some Beatles' trivia:
  • There were originally five members of the Beatles and included Stuart Sutcliffe (bass) and Pete Best (drums). Stuart and Pete would leave the group and be replaced by Ringo Starr (Paul would play bass).
  • Their original name was the 'Quarrymen'
  • In 1962 Decca records rejected the Beatles by explaining "guitar groups are on the way out"
  • The audience for their initial Ed Sullivan performance was 74 million, which represented 40% of the U.S. population at the time.
  • They are the most popular and best selling musical group, ever.
  • They stopped touring in 1966 and did only studio albums until their breakup in 1970.
My favorite? Not possible. They were the Beatles, a group of four that was one for a brief, magical moment.

As the song says " I believe in yesterday"

We begin again . . . yea!!!

It's great to be here at the summer academy that marks the beginnings of a new Globaloria year! Lots of familiar faces, but even more new ones. Looking forward to a great year, which is certainly getting off to a great start!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

The End . . . maybe not!

We had our game demos on Friday (5/14) morning. In attendance were David Lowenstein of Globaloria, Bill Jones the Wetzel County Schools Superintendent, Debbie Bennett and Bob Gibb of our New Martinsville Campus. It seems like we had just begun the semester and then here we are at the finish. Wow!
But, it may not be the end. Several students want to continue to work on games over the summer and asked if they would be able to use the Globaloria HelpDesk. The answer was, of course, yes. One of the students has suggested a Game/Flash club to keep everyone's skills current while waiting for Game Design II, next spring.
It was really great to see all the enthusiasm from the students. Their presentations certainly impressed those in attendance. I must admit that even though I have been working with them all semester, a couple of the presentations really surprised me with what they had accomplished.
So, congratulations to all for a great semester!

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Journey to Our Destination, Almost There!

Our destination, game presentations, is within sight. This begins our final week and teams are working hard to get as much done as they can. Each will be sitting down with me to review and see exactly where they are, how their presentations are coming along, and what final problems or challenges they need help with.
It is truly amazing to me that we are near the end when it seems we've only just begun. It's been a great class and I have thoroughly enjoyed watching as everyone progressed from not knowing a blog from a wiki to creating games and documenting and sharing their trials and tribulations through their now familiar blogs and wikis.
Congratulations to all and let the game demos begin (on Friday)!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Let the Games Begin!!!

It was almost like you could hear the Olympic anthem in the background as the ever increasing sound of keystrokes filled the room. Yes, the games have begun! Everyone is off and rolling on their game building while watching tutorials, searching for answers on the web, and working together to solve their Flash coding challenges. A lot remains to be done, but their is genuine enthusiasm and excitement about all this new 'stuff' we are doing. Stay tuned for more from the olympics of Globaloria at WVNCC!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring is in the air, and more!

Finally, spring is showing its beautiful face! Flowers are up and leaves are about to bud. Here at WVNCC we are on our spring break this week. But alas, some of the students have asked to come in during the week and do some work with their games and general Flash learning exercises. I continue to be pleasantly surprised at the enthusiasm the students have for this class.
At this point the paper prototypes are up on all but one of their project pages, as well as their wikis. Carl is finishing his today and should have it up by tonight. Everyone is working on the "Planning Your Game" topic and will be ready to move into the Flash part of the curriculum in the next class.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Flash and Pizza Marathon!

Today was a great class! We began working on our paper prototypes and everyone finished a storyboard  and will return next week with all the scenes ready to video for the final prototypes. Perhaps you are wondering where the title fits in with this post, since it obviously hasn't so far. Well last week everyone agreed that after we finished our scheduled class at 11:40am today we would stay in the lab and work on learning some new Flash material. And since one cannot be expected to learn Flash on an empty stomach, I provided pizza for everyone and we continued on until 2:30 in the afternoon. As they say, "a good time was had by all". Due to popular request our next marathon will be Flash and Sushi!

Special thanks to Patrick from MCTC for the www.cartoonsmart.com link. If you have not checked it out, you should. A great resource for Flash tutorials, reasonably priced.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's Play Time!

We worked a lot on getting our blogs and wikis in order and up to date. Still have some more to do but progress is evident. Highlight was our first exposure to Flash (wow, an unintended pun) and working on the mini-game project. It took far longer to accomplish even part of this project than I had anticipated. We all had problems with our codes and even direct copy/paste didn't always solve the problems. But, as a educator, it was an incredible experience to see the students working by themselves and together in groups to solve their problems. Certainly the most student-centered experience I have ever witnessed. Special kudos go to Howard and Gary for sharing their solutions and providing explanations for us all!

Coming up this week will be more work on the mini-game and discussions around game ideas.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Off and rolling!

Just finished week three of our class. Everyone now has a wiki, a blog, and working on game ideas! Looking forward to the next class when we will do our mini game project. It will be nice to introduce Flash and let everyone get a feel for what it is, what it can do, and then do some actual work with it. Do check out our updated wiki page with new colors and layout. More to do, but that will come in time.

I continue to be amazed, quite pleasantly so, with the level of interest and enthusiasm the students are bringing to this class. In addition they each seem to have some experience and/or special talent that will contribute to their games and our class. For example, one of our students has been doing stop-frame animation and has posted a video of his work, in which a rubix cube appears to solve itself. Also check out his Terragen video. Everything can be found on Andrew's wiki page.

Game on!!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

We've only just begun...

Wow! Just finished my first Globaloria game design class and I am nothing short of amazed! I have ten students, all guys, that are really into this class. I must admit that I thought half of them would drop the class when they found out about the wiki work and blogging, expecting perhaps a more intense software based class. But no, they really got into the whole experience and were all enthusiastic and eager to take part. Bottom line - the blogosphere, as of 15 minutes ago, has 10 new bloggers!

Monday, January 18, 2010

About to start - some thoughts about motivation

My Globaloria game design class begins this Friday, Jan 22nd. I must admit I am really looking forward to it, but am at the same time a bit apprehensive, maybe because of the volume of work or maybe the newness of it all. Don't get me wrong, I do feel that I have been well prepared by the Globaloria team through our orientation and training sessions. I really appreciate the help and guidance than my mentor, Patrick provided at this past weekend's academy.

So, why my concern? I think it has to do with motivation of the students and what I can do to ensure that they start, and continue to be, motivated. As a college class the students choose to take this class and are paying for it. Good news is that they must be motivated to have done that. I believe that will arrive interested and excited. The class, at this point, is not required in any program, rather it is an elective they can use in a variety of programs. They will come to the class with little to no experience with a wiki and blogging. My challenge will be to motivate them to look beyond just the basics of game design and to see the use and importance of the social media tools. They will arrive intrinsically motivated. I plan to help them keep that motivation by:
  • Involving them in the learning process by stressing the importance of collaboration and teamwork. Letting them know that their input is important to everyone's success.
  • Relating the work they will be doing, and how they do it, to the real-world of work they will face after they graduate.
  • Stressing that their success, or failure, is in their hands. I am there to help and guide, but they will have to work to succeed.
As time goes on I will update this blog with news of our progress, highlighting success as well as setbacks. Stay tuned. It's going to be a great adventure!